The Awards
For too long, jobs in the construction and maintenance sectors have been plagued by the perception of being dangerous occupations. The time has come to shake this conviction, and highlight that working as a skilled trades professional is both safe and lucrative.
Through the hard work of our Clients, Signatory Employers and Labour providers, safety in the maintenance industry has made tremendous progress over the past century, and is now the top priority in their operations.
To celebrate this accomplishment, and to recognize excellence in unionized maintenance on an annual basis, the GPMC/NMC is pleased to announce the creation of the Canadian Safety Achievement Awards. There are six prestigious awards which cover all aspects of maintenance work:
General Presidents’ Safety Excellence Award
Through the annual operations of our Signatory Employers and Labour Providers, safety in annual maintenance operations has never been better. This award celebrates top performing participants who achieve the lowest total recordable incident rating (TRIR) for their craft hour tier across ALL of their active GPMA and NMA projects.
All worksites must be submitted for consideration under this award.
Tripartite Zero (Recordable) Injury Turnaround Award
Turnaround and outage work presents a unique set of challenges for maintenance industry stakeholders. This award recognizes Clients, Signatory Employers and Local Unions who execute high volumes of craft hours in short turnaround windows without a recordable injury.
365 Daily Maintenance Award
Industrial plants across the country often require year-round daily maintenance to ensure efficiency in their operations and the safety of their personnel. This award showcases stakeholders who have executed long-term maintenance at industrial plants for 365 days or greater without having a recordable injury.
Sustained Superior Performance Award
Awarded to Stakeholder groups who perform maintenance work under a GPMA or NMA collective agreement in the absence of a recordable injury across consecutive operational years.
Craftperson of the Year Award (Eastern and Western Canada) in partnership with Milwaukee Tool
An award reserved for members of Canada’s Building Trades Unions that seeks to showcase outstanding craftsmanship, professionalism and safety leadership of a skilled tradesperson through their performance or contribution on a maintenance job. Two individuals will be selected. One person will be selected from Eastern Canada and one from Western Canada.
To help ensure fairness between competing nominations of different sizes and scales, each submission will be assigned into a tier with entries that have similar volumes of craft hours.
In addition, for particular awards, an equalizer formula, called Total Recordable Incident Rating (TRIR), will be applied. This formula is calculated by multiplying the total number of recordable incidents by 200,000 (hours worked in a standard year multiplied by 100 full-time employees) divided by the total number of hours worked.
(# of Recordable Incidents) x 200,000
(Total # of Hours Worked)
A work related injury, illness or incident that has one or more of the following criteria is to be considered a recordable incident:
- Death
- LTI, days away from work
- Restricted work (light duty) or transfer to another job
- Medical treatment beyond a first aid
- Loss of consciousness
The Awards Process

Awards will be given to recognize stakeholder performance from the previous calendar year. A submission period will be established for anyone who wishes to participate, typically Feb 1 – Apr 30 each year.
The process to be nominated and receive an award has a few easy steps:
- Clients and Contractors can nominate projects. There is no limit to the number of projects under a GPMA or NMA jurisdiction that can be nominated.
- Contractors or Clients need to submit supporting documentation (eg. number of craft hours worked; any recordable incidents) into the website, but can save their submissions and login again to complete their nomination.
- Contractors must have their nominations verified by a Client representative using the established process through the website.
- Organizations with winning submissions will be contacted and invited to attend the annual awards banquet.